
What does fall from grace mean
What does fall from grace mean

what does fall from grace mean

People are not saved by performance, or by outward actions, or by righteous deeds, but by the performance of Another  namely, by the performance of Jesus. But Paul was arguing that people are saved not on the basis of merit, but on the basis of grace.

what does fall from grace mean

They were tricked into thinking that if they obeyed enough, that they would be accepted and loved by God.

what does fall from grace mean

And in Galatians, Paul had been arguing for free salvation through faith in Jesus, and against works-based, self-meritorious salvation.Īnd in fact, the Galatians had been duped by false teachers into thinking that the way someone is saved is through adherence to specific laws and outward obedience. Meaning, Paul wasn’t arguing whether someone is saved his primary concern here and all throughout Galatians was how one becomes saved. Paul here (as he has been addressing throughout the entire letter) was speaking of the method of salvation. What does Paul mean by this? Many have claimed that Paul here is teaching conditional security (as opposed to unconditional) the thought that one can lose their position in Christ, no longer being saved.īut is this what this passage is teaching? I really don’t think so.įirst of all, from the context, Paul was not speaking about the status of one’s salvation. You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law you have fallen away from grace Paul, in the height of his letter to the Galatians, says in Galatians 5:4,

What does fall from grace mean